mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How I'm keeping myself busy these days, besides the usual housework (mended J's pocket this morning, I feel so domestic), birthday plans for C, unpacking...

heeheeheeheehee okay, this will probably make mostly democrats laugh.

but the good ideas aren't sexy, so it'll never happen, like so many other things that will never happen...

This makes the point that I've been making since day one: this war cannot be won by the military, because they're fighting an IDEA, and people living by an idea... I mean, think of it this way: what if you were trying to get rid of the christians in the US. Imagine a large number of them were fundamentalists that believed enough to bomb abortion clinics, believed enough to strap bombs to themselves and walk into gay bars, or the like. Now imagine trying to kill them all. Doesn't that sound stupid? For every one christian extremist you'd kill, you'd create an untold number more - that person's children, or observers that hadn't quite decided to be THAT much of an extremist, but now had a reason... *sigh*


The Kaiser said...

That's what I've been saying all along. We ought to have responded to 9-11 by blowing the crap out of the Taliban and then showering the rest of the middle east with free satellite TV hookups with HBO included, encourage them to turn Ramadan into an orgy of secular consumerism like Christmas using low low prices and see if we could pay Wal-Mart to open up a couple of stores in Riyadh and Beirut and Damascus.

But it's too late for the softly softly approach. We've painted ourselves into a corner, much like the Israelis have done.

Anonymous said...

My favorite illustration of this point came from David Cross:

"You can't fight a war on terror! That's like fighting a war on jealousy!"

Hawkmistress said...

God, I wish we could fight a war on stupidity.

The Kaiser said...

If I am ever elected president that will totally be the War On An Abstract Noun that I start.

Hawkmistress said...

Yet another on the long list of reasons I'd vote for you
