mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More news on the "I told you so" front

Mortgage Report Rattles Markets
A national survey showing that a soaring number of homeowners failed to make their mortgage payments in the last quarter of 2006 rattled lawmakers in Washington and the markets in New York yesterday, as the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted 2 percent, or nearly 243 points.

The report, which sent every major stock market indicator tumbling when it was released at noon, revealed that the problems in the market for "subprime" mortgages -- loans made to home buyers with blemished credit histories -- might be spilling over to the broader mortgage industry, analysts said.

Okay, just had to stick that in there. Was reading a blog entry titled "Study Proves Other People Are Even Worse Than We Thought" which made me laugh out loud. You'll have to watch the animation. So I may end up adopting a new catchphrase. "You're just vilifying a triangle!" and "You're just championing a triangle - jerk!"

Now I happened to be chatting with my ex-husband (#2, I don't keep in touch with #1) while reading this, and sent him the link to the animation, and then the article. He didn't anthropomorphize the triangles at ALL. Very interesting! I remember him telling me that on the thinking/feeling psych test he scored 100% thinking, which was unusual. He's an unusual guy. :)

Off to watch The Daily Show. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

Awesome article! I'll totally get on board with the "You're just championing a triangle" lexicon. We need bumper stickers.

I am reminded, however, of a phrase I issued after hearing They Might Be Giant's "Particle Man" for the first time:

"Dude, Triangle man is a dick."

Anonymous said...

or, you know, tshirts and buttons.

Hawkmistress said...

WOOHOO! You rock.

Hawkmistress said...

I always wondered why particle man & person man didn't get together and beat triangle man to a pulp.

The Kaiser said...

Because Person Man's ancestors were not invited to Particle Man's ancestors' birthday party, causing a bloodfeud that persists to this very day.
