mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, March 18, 2005

Is it Friday yet?

I hate moving. It's probably a combination of having done it less than a year ago, and up until I was 18, only having moved once...

Tomorrow morning we go and pick up the truck. Because we know kind people, we will have lots of help moving heavy things (as J, with his back, should not be lifting anything). It's spring break, so mom can watch the kids (which should lower my stress level remarkably) and I really like this house. I'm enjoying being able to finally sort through piles of crap and finding places for everything... no hurry, plenty of room in the garage... and I'm making a garage sale pile, too!

Exhausted. Must sleep. Will be very busy tomorrow. And all next week. Glad to be moving back into town before gas hits $3/gallon here... don't have the mental energy to get into politics tonight. Too disgusted. Was reading Northern Sun catalog. Great stuff.

Done babbling. Need to sleep while son still unconscious.

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