mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sitting inside on a rainy day

A thought just occurred to me.

In all the kerfuffle about the McCains lying about how Mother Teresa herself implored Cindy to take two babies to America for medical treatment, I just realized - Cindy McCain brought TWO babies to the United States. One she adopted and is now Bridget McCain - whatever happened to the other one?

The strange thing about all this is the lie itself. Cindy McCain goes over there, one of the nuns 'persuades' her to take some kids home for medical treatment that they wouldn't be able to get locally, Cindy agrees. How does lying about it being Mother Teresa herself asking you make you look better? I mean, the nun has to persuade you to take this poor child for medical treatment when you're a multi-millionaire - the idea didn't occur to you on your own to use your money to help these less fortunate, you had to be 'persuaded'? Good for you for bringing them to the US, good for you for adopting one. You have 7 houses (two more that other people live in) - you could have paid for a thousand children to be adopted by other people around the world who want children. Don't expect too much in the way of acclaim. A quote from one of my favorite movies: "You have been born to privilege, and with that comes specific obligations."
