mostly pointless meanderings

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I found a designer I like!

How bizarre. I've spent too much time in brain numbing net surfing.

I noticed that I liked several dresses on the red carpet that were designed by Elie Saab, so I went looking.

Not bad! Wonder if I can find some knock-offs?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Working from home

Totally unrelated to anything going on in my life right now, this is something that's been bugging me.

I'm not allowed to take a hundred bucks (of my own money) and bet on the outcome of the Super Bowl (not legally, I mean) but Wall Street financial gurus are allowed to take millions of dollars (OTHER people's money) and bet that 'this' particular chunk of people are going to pay their mortgages?

I'm not generally accused of being too logical, but I do TRY, and this just is beyond me. I don't hear this talked about a lot, either, which makes me wonder. People just seem stunned; they don't understand where all the money has gone. Well, a good chunk of the money was NEVER REALLY THERE to begin with - so much of economics is based on psychology - what somebody THINKS something is worth, makes it worth that much, you know? The other half - it was gambling. The banks were gambling with your retirement money, your investment money, etc. They gambled and they LOST.

Anyway, I've discovered a problem with working at home. Aside from the fact that I feel like shit, and the kids feel like shit off & on (and are 4 and 6, so are doing their normal 4 & 6 stuff aside from illness) - the problem with working at home that I've never heard anybody warn me about? The fact that my cat thinks I'm the most comfortable bed in the house. When I'm not available, he'll frequently find my open laptop to lie on. Right now he's trying to manage to lie with his head on my hands while I'm typing.

I'm a lot better than I was two or three days ago, but I'm really tired and nauseated right now. Having a very hard time concentrating on these columns of numbers. :( Hopefully I'll have more success tonight after the kids are in bed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's 2am and my head hurts

Bitch bitch whine.

Have spent the last thirty minutes or so perusing Red Carpet Fashions and I have to ask -

do they pick ugly models on purpose?
do they tell the models to put on that face - you know, it's either "I hate you all" or "this place smells" - I think I might have seen ONE smiling.

I already think it's insanely stupid to model your fashion on walking sticks when most of the population does not (and will never) look like that - aside from the fact that I just don't think women that are that skinny are attractive. At all. If I wanted to see bones, I'd go for my anatomy book. What's wonderful about women is their CURVES. Sexy, soft or strong, curves. Why hold up as a feminine ideal somebody who looks like a concentration camp survivor? (Not to belittle concentration camp victims, but you know what I mean. At least they didn't starve THEMSELVES out of some perverted ideal of beauty.)

I'm going to try to go to sleep now. If those two tylenol pm don't kick in soon, I'm gonna cry.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I should be working

Right now, my head hurts too much to even think about looking at spreadsheets. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything anyway. Sinus infection heading to bronchitis. (And my throat hurts too - can't really talk anymore. Difficult to be mom when you can't talk.)

I've been thinking several times as I'm driving around about things I'd like to post blog entries on, and yet, when I get home, there's always something else that takes away my attention.

Like now. 102° fever makes it hard for me to think. Brain slowly being cooked.

Hopefully, however, this post will remind me to post more often. So much to babble about lately!
