mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've always been partial to Patrick Stewart

For many, many reasons.

Here's another one:

Mad props to Amnesty International who put this together.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Woohoo, and I didn't even have to wait for her next life!

Here's a brief explanation: my ex-mother-in-law (the first one; the 2nd one was a sweetie) did me wrong. While I suspect she got rid of my cat, I have no proof of that - however, I DO have proof that she deposited the joint income tax return check - that required both mine and her son's signature - into a bank account in just her son's name. (She attempted to lie about it in the divorce hearing and say she hadn't seen the check - when I said 'oh, that's okay, I've got the IRS running a trace on it to track it down', she quickly changed her tune. THEN she made up all this BS about me owing her money to the judge.) Anyway, I suspect she was in her sheriff's uniform at the time, which may be part of the reason why the bank teller didn't require my signature. (Or the bank teller was just incompetent - wonder if karma has hit that person yet? hrm...)

Anyway, I read the newspaper and VOILA! Guess who just had the Office of Inspector General where she worked (yes, past tense, she resigned "citing stress-related medical reasons and office tensions and said she'd been planning to leave the state for some time to be with her children" ha!) release a report finding her at fault for participating in the hiring process for a person with whom she shared a mutual financial interest (she was part of a committee that chose her boyfriend to fill a grant-funded position for which she was the grant coordinator), using department e-mail improperly, submitting travel reimbursements with false information and providing false information to OIG investigators.

Take that, bitch!

Let this be a warning to all y'all out there who have wronged me - yours is coming. It may take ten years, but it's coming, and when it does, expect massive humiliation.

Apologies are being accepted now - get them in while you can!


Friday, June 22, 2007

Looking for an escape

Wish all my books weren't in storage.

Saw the link to Library Thing from Todd's page, I think, and am trying to enter books from memory that I've not seen in 8 months or more.

Family news update

J's grandmother is NOT having open heart surgery after all - more because of worries about how she'd handle it than because she doesn't need it.

Mom is going to have a couple of lumps looked at - since her sister had breast cancer, I'm assuming she's worried. That might be the source of her behaviour.

Dad still sounds like he's drowning in phlegm; hopefully at his upcoming doctor appointment there will be a suggestion to help reduce the mucous.

Kids are great; crazy as usual. Greatly enjoying swim lessons and getting tan.

J's new-old job is treating him okay so far. Adjustment is always a little stressful, of course.

I'm doing research on hormone imbalances and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me and how I can fix it.

Everybody else I don't know about. Feel free to let me know.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Turn off the light - Adventure continued

You pull the chain and turn off the light.

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

After a few moments, you realize that the white squares of the checkered ceiling glow faintly - all except the one in the far corner, where the black wall and the blue wall meet.

You choose to:

Turn the light back on

Examine the white square that doesn't glow

Sit and wait to be eaten by a grue

Do nothing

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I can't imagine why I consider myself an educated, cultured person when there is so much classic literature I've not yet read. Definitely ungood.

Well, today I began to rectify that.

Are any of you out there good duckspeakers?
