mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


This is the second or third time I've opened up this web page to make an entry, and gone "eh..." and ended up closing it without typing anything.

I had two moments of cheerfulness on the way home this afternoon - drove through two rainbows! I think Moira saw them when I pointed to them, too. I'm not sure.

I'm at that place in my life when I'd like to make a few friends so I have somebody to talk with during the day - but the idea of going out and meeting new people is exhausting. People suck, as a general rule, and I just don't have the energy to use on sucky people right now.

Speaking of sucky people, if I ever doubted it, I now have proof that karma really does come back around.

My Adiumy is a turkey wearing a pilgrim hat.

I think I'm going to see if I can find any sane, mature people who want to play some sort of role playing game. I was looking over the 3.5 edition players' handbook last night... interesting new stuff. J also showed me Victoriana which I think I'd enjoy.

Moira is still sick. She's evidently like me when I was a kid - get a cold; develop a secondary ear infection. *sigh*

It's a wonderful rainy November day here - not very cold; great napping weather. I'm hoping to get both kids asleep so I can check out for a little while.

I'm looking forward to my date on Saturday! I didn't even realize it, but the new Harry Potter is coming out, and J's taking me to the movies! Hopefully our babysitter is available.

More babbling another time.


The Kaiser said...

I can certainly sympathize about not having the time and energy to meet new people, and I don't even have kids yet.
Also, it is EXTREMELY hard to find a good gaming group. If you aren't willing to put up with a few people roughly like Mike from Something Positive while you sort the wheat from the chaff, consider other hobbies.

Hawkmistress said...

Yeah, with all the parents out there, I held out the hope that there was a pool of potential friends - however, I've discovered that being a parent has just added another level of non-conformity to me & J. It's just another thing that we're different about that many people just don't seem to understand. *sigh*

Hey, I don't mind putting up with a few people like Mike as long as I can beat the crap out of them like Mike gets regularly. (It'd be nice if for every Mike there was a Davan and Peejee...) Good gaming groups are damn near impossible to find - everybody's life is so busy as a general rule anyway; it's hard to find several hours to sit down and enjoy it... we tried to get together with some people after you & Grier left town. Kris was a good DM to a point - that point being that he'd get drunk, and insist he wasn't drunk, and then do things like give our first or 2nd level characters a 12th level sorcerer to deal with, and then bitch at us when we all got killed. The other players were eh, too. I've been wanting to improve my ability as a player (cause you probably remember I was pretty crappy back when y'all were here) but that requires at least SOME practice. ;)
