mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, June 05, 2006

A dinner I was proud of

Yesterday was John's birthday (hope he got my voicemail; I still have to take his present to him... hope he doesn't already have it!) and today is Erin's birthday... and last night I made a wonderful dinner and neither one of them got any; that doesn't seem right, somehow.

J had the idea to make stuffed bell peppers and as a treat for M, chocolate fondue for dessert. I made ground pork, rice made with ham stock, onions, fresh garlic, chopped up bell pepper bits (the tops of the red, yellow, & orange peppers we stuffed), pecorino romano cheese, and seasoned nicely.... mmmmmm.

And the fondue was a big hit. I should have gotten a picture of C; he wore quite a bit. He liked the strawberries, M liked the cheesecake (yes, she's my daughter) and J introduced me to Lorna Doone cookies. (bad bad bad bad bad - how have I not eaten these before?) I think J liked the bananas best.

Earlier in the day, I did some voice recording for P's office IVR system. I've discovered a new talent, and it pays... maybe if I get enough of these side hobbies I can actually make some money! Decorative cakes, face painting, voice recordings (I've always wanted to read books on tape...) Afterwards, giddy at having no children, P let me drive his car. WHEEEEEEEEEE! Man, I miss having a sports car. And I've NEVER had a sports car with that much power. *drool* And no, I didn't get pulled over, I didn't wreck his car, I DID momentarily give both him & J a heart attack, but that's just 'cause they're wusses and didn't realize that yes, I had plenty of room going around that car, thank you.

Ran into my old friend/ex-lover/whatever Jake at the comic book store. He looked great; this town is too small not to run into your past everywhere. (That's why I think longingly of moving elsewhere sometimes.) He's one of those people that I have equal numbers of fond memories and awful memories. *sigh*

I'm sitting here at the dining room table stressing out and trying not to. It's making me nauseated. I have to come up with $1235 by 6:30 tonight. It's probably going to mean me borrowing money from my mother again. God, I hate that. I can't wait until the house is sold and we can pay her back for good.


The Kaiser said...

You could always move to the Pacific NW. Lots of work in J's field, better weather (I'm really not kidding), lovely scenery, lots of ethnic restaurants (although there's no Cuban and I still miss Gordo's), etc.

The market for buying houses is not so great right now, but the rental market is actually pretty good (and J would no doubt get paid more up here than he does down in Tallahassee).

Hex said...

Next time you cook up something that sounds *that* good -- invite me over.

How you been, jellybean?

Hawkmistress said...

Bill, I would LOVE to move to the west coast... we just can't leave the family right now. My dad is turning 86 this year, mom's health isn't great, and J's mom was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma...

and wtf there's no cuban?!! What the hell!

Dan - hi! Long time no talk. Dude, we cook like that all the time - it's just usually J doing the cooking. (He's only gotten better since you lived with him) You've got a standing invitation; drive over whenever you'd like. :)

I've been losing my mind trying to pack & move & get the house ready to sell while attempting to deal with the day to day crap that I've never been particularly good at dealing with. I feel sorry for J & the kids; I'm more of a basketcase than usual lately. I have moments of clarity and incredible productivity, but I seem to pay for them.

The Kaiser said...

Yeah, totally no Cuban. Actually, now that I think of it there is a Cuban place that I've not been to, but it looks very shi-shi and Buena Vista Social Club-ish (like, they have valet parking in white tuxedos). In any case, the plethora of Ethiopian places and the general variety (we have an Afghan place even).

Sorry to hear about all of the health problems in the family and housing related woes.
