mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How to give a realtor proper motivation to sell your house

Tell him you've just received a letter from the mortgage company informing you that if the account is not brought current in 30 days that foreclosure proceedings will be started.

I shudder to think of what language he used when he got off the phone (in his position, I certainly would have cussed up a storm) but he's now in as much of a hurry as I am. Which makes me feel better. Kind of.

So, if anybody's in town and feels like coming and sitting and keeping me company, some adult conversation would be welcome. If Logan didn't have a newborn I'd ask her, but I know how much of a pain it is to function at somebody else's house, and if I went to her house, then I wouldn't be getting any work done HERE.

Garage sale went well; sold some stuff (which is more stuff I don't have to move) and I'll be calling the lighthouse children's home to come get the rest.

Appointment tomorrow to pick up and be instructed on how to use the pulse oximetry machine (or whatever you call it) to find out if I really do have sleep apnea. Whee!

Little girl requested pancakes this morning; she wanted ketchup and mustard to dip them in. I made the pancakes, but I must admit by the time I was done I'd forgotten the mustard. She ate them anyway, amazingly. I'm beginning to develop a complex about the kids not eating what I make them.


The Kaiser said...

Those sleep apneia machines are kind of freaky. Marla's uncle uses one, it makes it sound like Darth Vader is crashed out in the next room.

Hawkmistress said...

Yeah, as much as it'll be nice to have more energy during the day, I think the machine will be scant improvement on the noise-keeping-J-awake front. :)

I'm falling asleep sitting up here. *sigh*
