mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm NOT getting excited. I'm NOT.

Or at least I'm trying not to.

We assumed that the house went up for auction on January 10th. I cancelled the insurance policy effective that date, and we went about our daily lives.

Got a letter from the mortgage company saying "hey, you don't have insurance on your house, what's the deal?" So I called them. I informed them that as far as _I_ knew, we didn't OWN the house anymore. They looked up the info and said well, no, actually, maybe the judge's docket was full or something, but it's still listed in active foreclosure....

Whatever. Told them we didn't want the house. Had been trying to sell it. They were welcome to it.

Got a letter from a woman in town who made sure to mention that she wasn't an investment buyer, she just wanted to know if she could buy our house, she was a local person. I called her on a whim.

Today, handed her a signed contract of intent to sell; we're waiting on the mortgage company's lawyers to give us the payoff amount, and then (assuming she doesn't find anything horrible about the house between now & then) we'll go to closing. She's paying off everything - fees, taxes, etc. - we'll just walk away clean.

I'm not getting excited until I'm there at closing. I'm definitely not going to mention it to my parents; I'll just avoid all that BS. (I can hear my mother now... "shouldn't you try to get some money from it? You signed the contract??! Don't you think you should have a lawyer look at it first? Who are these people? " argh.)

I'm glad my husband takes good care of me. I'd be in a mental institution by now if he didn't. If I don't eat regularly I completely start to fall apart. I'd last eaten around noon, and it was 6:30pm, and I was at the 'fuck everything what's the point' stage.

Oh, and because we've cancelled our homeowner's insurance, we lost that discount, and our insurance payment has actually GONE UP. Wtf.

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