mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I've just discovered that I'm not getting emails of my comments... noticed I had comments I'd never seen. Hrm. Probably the spam filter. Wonder if I've missed anything else?

There's not much going on. M didn't get thrown out of school. There HAS been a new policy enacted at the school; we now have to walk around to the BACK of the building to pick up and drop off our children. Not sure what good this does; maybe they have cameras, as J suggested? ~shrug~

Everything else that's been going on has been mental. I'm stressed out. Quelle surprise. I don't know how my sister-in-law managed to go all that time living in other people's houses and not go totally mental. My hat goes off to you, woman.

I'm sure there was something productive I was planning on doing when I got onto a computer that could get online. (Did I mention the antenna in my iBook seems to be dying?) But if there was something I meant to do, or needed to do, I can't remember what it is right now.


The Kaiser said...

I doubt that they have put in cameras at the back of the building but not the front. I expect they decided it would be "safer" because you have to go past some windows, because they think the bad people won't know to go round back, or some such shite.

If you really want to fuck with them get really deadly serious about the security of your child. You can probably force them to spend thousands of dollars trying to secure their school if you know a lawyer who'd be willing to lend a bit of their time. The fun thing about security is that 100% security is not really possible (you would basically have to live alone in an impregnable biosphere with no dangerous plants or animals that was constructed so that you could not trip and hurt yourself or have something heavy fall on you etc. to be truly safe), so by running with their ludicrous position that you can never be too safe you can back them into a corner where they must admit that it's all about taking reasonable measures to counter predictable risks.

Hawkmistress said...

I'm seriously contemplating filing a complaint about the disability thing - having a mandatory policy that requires a person go to a place that's not handicap-accessible just pisses me off. And let me tell you, last week when I was sick to my stomach, my knee was killing me, and I'd strained the opposite thigh muscle by walking funny because of the other knee, I wanted to kill somebody.
