mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, February 18, 2005

I forgot my mantra!

Wow, the last several days I've been trying to motivate myself, and I might as well be trying to move a recalcitrant elephant with a crowbar. (No fat jokes, please.) Part of the problem is probably lack of sleep. It's hard to have much energy when you're in a mental fog. The sad thing is, I can't really blame it on the kids - I just need to go to bed earlier!

Today I decided to let Moira and Christian watch Fantasia; hopefully the downtime I get will recharge my patience batteries, as they're dead at the moment, and I don't need to take it out on the kids.

I have all sorts of things I want (and need) to do; let's see if I can get my motor cranked. Anybody got good suggestions on jumpstarting?


Hex said...

Drunken Internet Suicide Parcheesy, be there or be square TONIGHT, yo!

unMuse said...

i dunno.. a good Pop on the head has always gotten me motivated ;]
