mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ok I admit it... here is the REAL reason I have trouble relaxing:

A guilty conscience.

My list of things to do/projects to start and/or finish keeps getting longer every day. Here's a taste of what I'm talking about:

set up my webpages
set up webpages for the kids
sort thru box of pictures, pictures on hard drive, etc. & organize all into albums & start scrapbooks for births, wedding
sort thru and organize all our belongings, pack so we can move and then have garage sale & set up new house with everything in its place
enter all our books into the Delicious Library program
teach myself mandolin (gotta find instruction book)
start practicing piano again
teach myself French (and German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Gaelic, Welsh... I think there were more but I can't remember them right now)
learn to dance
set up budget that includes renters insurance, life insurance policies, college funds, saving for a house, travel (particularly to Matthew & Erin's wedding)...
plant garden (herbs, tomatoes, corn, green beans, okra, peppers, zuchinni, squash, etc.)
clean up my parents' pool so we can all use it this summer
clean up property in Havana so we can build a house out there at some point
wash cars (inside too)
set up sewing machine so I can get started on my sewing projects (clothing, quilts, etc.)
lose 100 lbs
make more felt cutouts for the kids' felt storyboard wall
learn woodworking
practice my pottery skills, make a set of dishes for home use
learn how to make icing roses (make more decorative cakes)
find and finish corkboard made out of corks from wine I've drunk
make photo album presents for J's mom & grandparents

that's all I could think of in five minutes or so. I'm sure there's more. I need to win the lottery - if time is money, then money helps create time... either that or I need 40 hours in every day. Maybe both. OOOH, I know what - I can clone myself. That way J can have one of me, my parents can have one of me, the kids can have one of me, one of me can go travel, one of me can work, one of me can study (okay, several of me can study)....

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