mostly pointless meanderings

Sunday, February 20, 2005

pillow talk

I have a love-hate relationship with our mattress. It's a firm one with a memory-foam-type stuff pillowtop. I find it wonderfully comfy... but it has a dark side.

Sheets don't stay on.

We use a mattress pad, because otherwise I get all sweaty being up against a mattress that doesn't breathe well - but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Getting those stretchy things that clip on to keep your sheets on your mattress only delayed the inevitable. It's a very thick mattress; I've gotten two or three DEEP POCKET sheets - which again, only delay the inevitable. It only comes up on one side... at the moment, the side I'm sleeping on. (J & I switched recently) I can't wait until we move and I can rearrange the bedroom so that I can GET to all the corners more easily - I'm just doomed to have to pull the sheets back over to my side of the bed and tuck the corners down daily. I'm curious as to why it's only this one corner? It doesn't come up on any other corner...

1 comment:

unMuse said...

i have this awesome mattress. i dont know what it's made of or anything. it's firm yet slightly squishy. i love it. :]

anyhow. it's also annoying because it's old and there are a few rips in it. until i started using 2 fitted sheets, this.... dust from the mattress would end up all over the sheets. the bed constantly felt dirty.

even now, i have to wash the sheets every 3-4 days instead of 1x a week because of that damn shit.

i don't wanna get a plastic sheet for my bed. i don't pee myself in my sleep. i don't wanna crinkle!!

