mostly pointless meanderings

Sunday, May 29, 2005

being cynical

I really hope the human race rises up and proves my cynicism wrong. I do. Honest. I would love to learn that most people are not, in fact, lazy, apathetic shitheads who aren't interested in living to their fullest potential or helping the following generations live to their fullest potential. I would love to wake up one morning to discover that people are not, in fact, greedy selfish asses who don't care what happens next year or next decade or next century because it doesn't affect them anyway, and whatever doesn't benefit them personally isn't worth wasting time on...

I am so tired of idiots. I'm not saying I don't do idiotic things - I do, and I have. I belive I've learned a lot from them, too - something some other people seem congenitally incapable of. But I try not to live the unexamined life. I try to be honest with myself, and with others. I try to remember that A is A, and no amount of wishing or ignoring will change reality. I've grown a lot in the last five years (no, not just around the middle) and have become I think a more mature, caring, worthwhile human being.

The only problem is that I'm running out of sympathy.

I can really sympathize with Frank (whom I think I'll ask out for drinks or coffee or something sometime soon) - I'm beginning to feel positively homicidal when it comes to a large part of the population of meatbags that call themselves humans. (I personally don't think a lot of them qualify at the moment.)

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