mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, May 09, 2005


Hey, if anybody out there wants to do me a good turn, surprise me with a gallon of coffee liqueur. The cheap stuff is fine, I mix it with milk and drink it over ice. I'm anticipating the next 11 days will be really crappy, and today I was in the "sit down with a romance novel and eat a pint of chocolate ice cream" mood.

For those of you who don't know me - I don't read romance novels.

Science fiction, yes. Fantasy, yes. History, biographies, even textbooks on occasion.... but I don't read romance novels unless I'm somewhere and out of reading material, which means I've already read all available labels and backs of cereal boxes and am desperate for a reading fix.

Yes, I'm a reading addict. Why do you think I've never tried drugs? If I'm this bad an escapist with literature, imagine what would happen were I to try something stronger?

Of course, I say that in a post whilst talking about my plans to drink.

Anyway, it'll be nice that the weekend after our anniversary is the weekend after J quits with JVA, so we'll maybe actually be able to spend some quality time together.

In the meantime... anybody got any kahlua? I figure there's less fat in that than a container of ice cream. And whilst I haven't really done anything towards my goal of getting slim and sexy for the wedding we're going to in January, I'd like to not screw the pooch totally on that.

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