mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, June 27, 2005

The King and I

I love this movie, but I'd forgotten how sad it is.

I've found a new addiction - Scotland Yard! J played it as a kid, and I ordered it online for him for father's day - I've played it three times, and I kick ass! I can't wait to play it again! The first time, J was going easy on me (and he'd not played in a long time so he was very rusty), the second time Uncle Patrick had never played before, and the third time, I think the travel tokens got screwed up - so I wanna play another game, while the children are asleep, now that everybody knows how to do it!

Btw, I used canoed in a scrabble game today! heehee

I have to say, I got the most wonderful phone call last night. Our friends Matthew and Erin, who are getting married in January, called us up while they were both on speakerphone - Erin's asked me to be a bridesmaid!!!!! TOTALLY blew me away. I even got a little teary; it's so flattering to be asked... I've never been a bridesmaid before! Been a bride 3 times; I figured that was fate's freaky way of making up for it. ;) As Erin put it, "Always a bride, never a bridesmaid, huh?" heeheehee. So now I have a WONDERFUL incentive for losing weight. And a deadline! SO, who's going to come work out with me, huh?

I wish I could talk. I don't know what freaky bug I came down with - the first day J was afraid it was mono, but now it just seems like your normal run-of-the-mill respiratory illness, except it might have gone to my sinuses and chest, which is very unusual for me. I must be getting old & decrepit.

Got the kids down for their nap - I think I'll take advantage of this time to sleep as well. As much as I need to clean, I need to get better faster more, or the house will REALLY fall apart.

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