mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Okay, I've not gotten around to sitting down with a notary...

but here's something that should carry some weight.

Having just read the autopsy report of Terry Shiavo, I'd like to make it known that if I am a vegetable, I do not wish to be kept alive on life support of any kind. If the chances of me ever recovering are low, go ahead and take my organs and give them to somebody who needs them, and what's left of me can be cremated (please don't embalm me, ew). My husband knows how I feel about this, and now the rest of you do too.

1 comment:

Monster said...

ME TOO. My family knows, as well... but PLEASE people, tell everyone you know. Talk about it, find out if there are different opinions among your loved ones and discuss them NOW. Please.
