mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Well, that chapter is over

So the house goes up for auction today. I wonder how much they'll get for it. There was more stuff there that we were keeping than I thought. I think we got home at 2 something. Robin let us borrow her truck again. I'm going to start buying lottery tickets, so if I win I can get her something nice. :) That's probably the only way she'd accept a gift, heh.

Got a call from FSU today; she's mailing me the packet to do the individual class medical withdrawal from Summer 1999. I'm wondering what kind of documentation they'll need, and quite frankly, I'm wondering if I can get it at this point. They may not think a suicide attempt and week-long incarceration in the psych ward is sufficient, in which case I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll have to do something to bring up my GPA - but I don't know if that's possible after already finishing my AA, you know? Perhaps it just means attending an online college like U of Phoenix. That doesn't help part of the reason for going back to school, that being to meet some intelligent like-minded people for us to spend time with.

Amazingly enough, this page is still up after who knows how many hours - it's almost midnight. I'm starting to get wheezy and have a slight cough - I hope it doesn't go any farther than this. Had a very productive day today, even with M staying home. I even made dinner for everybody, and managed to have everything done at the same time! J said it was the best meatloaf he'd ever had, and he's sorry I'd not made one for him before now. (I'd not made one before because he's always said he wasn't a big meatloaf fan. He said if he'd known my meatloaf was like this, he'd have asked me to make them. :) Nice ego boost, there.) Between J's approval and my dad's (he cleaned his plate) I had a good evening.

The evening was only slightly dampened by listening to the President's speech. I have to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on the phrasing wherein he said that they would interrupt and destroy any networks supplying weapons, training, etc. supplied by Iran or Syria. That quite possibly means WITHIN Iran or Syria. Add to that the "I recently ordered the deployment of an additional carrier strike group to the region." statement, and... I know people have been pushing for us to attack Iran for years now, but this is a step closer than I really like to be, honestly.

Oh, and did any of you see that clip of Tony Snow where he says "The President has the ability to exercise his own authority if he thinks Congress has voted the wrong way.” WTF???!! Gee, I think Congress voted the wrong way on something, so I won't obey the law. Where the hell in the Constitution did you get that, George? Probably the same place he got the idea that signing statements were any more than a comment by himself.

Must go to sleep.

1 comment:

The Kaiser said...

He'sprobably talking about the fact that Congress does not technically have the authority to hand him orders about the military after authorizing its use in the first place. The only thing they can do is take away funding, which still doesn't stop him from "re-assigning" money from elsewhere in the government. Congress can of course impeach the president for disrespecting their authoritae, and could also pass laws over his veto and pass amendments to the constitution (if they could get the states to ratify it). Unfortunately all of those things require a lot more votes than the Democrats have. Things would have to get much worse before they got enough Republicans to go along with anything like that.

Of course, the way things are going they might get there within the next year.
