mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, June 22, 2007

Family news update

J's grandmother is NOT having open heart surgery after all - more because of worries about how she'd handle it than because she doesn't need it.

Mom is going to have a couple of lumps looked at - since her sister had breast cancer, I'm assuming she's worried. That might be the source of her behaviour.

Dad still sounds like he's drowning in phlegm; hopefully at his upcoming doctor appointment there will be a suggestion to help reduce the mucous.

Kids are great; crazy as usual. Greatly enjoying swim lessons and getting tan.

J's new-old job is treating him okay so far. Adjustment is always a little stressful, of course.

I'm doing research on hormone imbalances and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me and how I can fix it.

Everybody else I don't know about. Feel free to let me know.

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