mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Turn off the light - Adventure continued

You pull the chain and turn off the light.

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

After a few moments, you realize that the white squares of the checkered ceiling glow faintly - all except the one in the far corner, where the black wall and the blue wall meet.

You choose to:

Turn the light back on

Examine the white square that doesn't glow

Sit and wait to be eaten by a grue

Do nothing


T.H. Elliott said...

Awesome. Now I just have to get a few more people to start doing this.

Hex said...

is it possible for me to scan the pages to see what the various endings are?

(I know it's cheating but it's what I used to do with all those books when I read them).

Hawkmistress said...

You're more than welcome to read the other choices - but most of them haven't been written yet.

(I cheated too.)
