mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, July 02, 2007

Can't find my journal, so this goes here

Sorry, I know a person's dreams aren't interesting to anybody but themselves. Feel free to skip this; it's just me recording it so later when the psychiatrists try to figure out where I went wrong they'll have clues.

I think ingesting moldy flour helped - I don't remember dreaming this much in forever.

First dream, was visiting Bill & his wife in Seattle. Except his wife was Erin, my friend Matthew's wife. (Probably because I've never met Bill's real wife.) He was running a D&D game for us. During the conversation he told us about her new hobby - buying distressed houses and turning then around. One of the things she was doing was creating murals on the walls, at which point I exclaimed something like "Oh, I HOPE you've got pictures!" I then go to use the restroom (which ends up being a potty chair in the middle of the living room floor where their 2 nephews & niece are playing that they're babysitting) and as I'm sitting there everybody's walking toward the front door with car keys - evidently they're going to SHOW me her latest house; very cool. Oddly, mom is there, and keeps saying things like "you don't have to go NOW..." and "are you sure you feel up to it?"

So the end of that dream wakes me up to go pee. (If I'm peeing in a dream, it's a pretty good bet I have to go, isn't that standard?)

Back to sleep - next dream is that I've moved onto a new street with a bunch of really nice duplexes/quattroplexes/condos up and down it. I'm in my place, and I get online and look at Erinn's webpage, to see how she's doing. She's got a lot of pictures and video of the kids & us from when we all lived together (of course, these videos make it look like we lived together this year, as both the kids are relatively old) and I decide to walk down the street and ask her for copies of these (and anything else she's got, as these are pretty good). So I drop in to her place - I don't remember knocking or anything, just walking in. Strangely enough, I don't remember any more of our interaction, other than she was perhaps slightly nervously bubbly and I was quiet but not angry or unhappy - we didn't make up; we just sort of glossed over everything.

Next dream I'm driving into the parking lot of my new apartment (same one? Maybe; it's somewhere further north than I am now) and as mom behind me somewhere yells "be careful!" or something, I distractedly drive right into the 8ft deep or so hole that's there with the construction going on around us. My neighbors good-naturedly drag me & my station wagon out, and I say "You know, it seems I want your company so badly - how about we start a breakfast club rather than me falling into this hole?" (I've evidently done this before.) Several people express interest, and mom & I head up to the apartment. Mom expresses some doubt about a breakfast club, and talks about how it's not polite to make people host get-togethers at their places and making people feel obligated, blah blah blah. I tell her I'm not going to make anybody do anything; I'd just like to invite my neighbors over more! Then I guess there's a knock at the door, and mom goes into her room. Either the kids are already in bed or mom takes over putting them to bed while I answer the door. It's my old neighbor Chris (that I used to have a crush on in high school) and a friend of his, and I invite them in and we sit around and catch up on each others' lives - somehow Chris has gotten hold of a paper I've published that is somewhat objectivist in nature and he tells me I've done a good job. Things get a little flirty, but it's all very quiet and understated - and I'm just being a tease, I'm not really interested. Oddly enough, it seems that Justin hasn't moved with us yet - there's some feeling that he'll be moving up soon, and then I'm planning on letting him stay home with the kids for a while, to give him a break, since I have a good job. Then we head out to join up with Nathan (an ex-fling) and one of his friends, and they're in the front seat driving. Chris can't stand him. We're all talking about all kinds of things - everything from life back in Tallahassee, the hell that was high school, to philosophy, politics, etc. We then pull into a parking space in front of a row of swank townhouses, and Chris makes some comment like "what the hell, do you expect us to walk home?!" Either I or Nathan says no, it's not his car, it's mine, doofus. So Nathan & his buddy get out, and I get in the driver's seat and the rest of us leave.

Old home week inside the skull tonight. Maybe I can get another half hour of sleep.

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