mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, June 09, 2008

Are YOU better off than you were 8 years ago?

From ThinkProgress:
78 percent: Those questioned in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey out this morning who rate the economic conditions as poor. “That’s up from 75 percent in March. Only 22 percent rate the economic conditions in the country as good.”

I'm betting that's the same 22% that still thinks Bush is doing a good job...

Had dinner over at my father-in-law's house the other night. While we were there, my sister-in-law (a conservative) was teasing me by whispering to my daughter "Tell mommy you want McCain to win!" - I had to fight back a surge of irritation, because it's all well and good to joke about it, but there are people DYING right now, fighting a war that should never have been started... and when you look at the economy, people are not doing well (hell, she's not doing so great herself), and McCain is just promising more of the same as Bush on the economic front... I know she's religious and pro-life, so the spectre of a Supreme Court that will reverse Roe vs. Wade doesn't bother her...

So I walked away. I don't think I'm going to change her mind on anything (heck, if the shape the country is in hasn't made her double check her assumptions, then me arguing with her isn't either) and I didn't feel up to getting into it.

I would really like to get that book "how to talk to a conservative" (it's something like that) so I have an arsenal to fight off the talking points. In the same vein, I want to learn the bible backwards and forwards, so when talking to fundies I can point out the insanity. It helps to be prepared.

Although in this case, I don't think logic would sway her. She's not the type to let reality change her mind about something. :)


The Kaiser said...

Once again we see evidence that, when properly applied, duct tape can fix almost any problem.

Anonymous said...

Reality or no, you don't do that. Sorry. That kinda behavior irritates me. You and I may not agree, but I'm not gonna whisper to your kid about politics. That's a no-no, akin to doing the same about faith, or football teams in the South.

My $.02


Hawkmistress said...

Good lord, is that Branflake Bran? XOXOXOX!! Long time no see, woman.

I waffled between thinking I was being unnecessarily pissy about it, but decided ultimately that I agree with you. That's the way she works, and she thinks it's funny to poke at people, but I gotta admit sometimes it's irritating as all get out. (Particularly when I don't have a whole lot of patience, which is most of the time, ha!)

Yeah, she's relatively religious (not exactly sure how to say that, but you know what I mean) and I would never DREAM of telling her kids that Jesus was most likely a Jewish apocalypticist with possible political aspirations. I mean, even if her kids were teens or older, I wouldn't say that to them unless THEY started the conversation or asked, you know? *sigh*

So how you been?
