mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The advantages of blogging

I've not blogged in a long time. And ever since I started playing with Twitter & Facebook, any time I normally would have spent here has been frittered away elsewhere.

That being said, it's not possible to be quite as verbose as I'm used to on either one of those. And since here at the office most of my coworkers are on a different plane of existence, I've got to talk somewhere, to somebody, before I lose my ever-lovin mind.

I don't know how stay-at-home mothers do it. There are days like today, when J isn't available to chat online, when I'm so desperate to talk to a like-minded adult I could cry. There aren't a whole lot of like-minded adults out there that I know well, which is part of the problem. And those I do know - well, they have a life, and can't chat with me in the middle of the day. I am not the witty conversationalist of sparkling personality that I thought I was. *sigh*

So I've started looking into finishing college. As much as I'd like to actually BE IN a class (to meet other intelligent - or hopefully intelligent - human beings) the online route is probably going to have to do for right now. Considering how much time I spend talking to people online anyway, I won't even notice the difference. :)

Well, time to pack up and take a kid to gymnastics. After that, I'm sure there's a whole list of other things I have to do. I'm going to go take my second wellbutrin. Maybe that will help.


T.H. Elliott said...

You should blog more. I really enjoyed some of your posts.

Hawkmistress said...

Thanks! I'm getting to the point where I'm a lot more mentally with-it, so hopefully I'll have more presence here soon. (As, for example, I am actually responding now!)

Hawkmistress said...

At some point, hopefully, I'll even be able to catch up on all the blogs I used to read - including yours!
