mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What's today again?

I'm so glad J is back home.

There's been so much going on lately; I go to post and am just too tired to want to deal with words.

Christian has a fever; hopefully he'll fight it off and be feeling better tomorrow.

Moira likes to play I Spy (since she knows so many colors).

I had dinner waiting for my husband when he got home from his out of town business trip. I don't want anybody to think that I'm not a feminist ("Feminism is the radical notion that women are people") but it was quite satisfying to surprise him with food that he didn't have to think about. I think I'll try to do that more often.

And if Khang will come hang out with me more often (if you're online, you're working, right? heehee) I'll get more done around the house. I just get sooooo bored when I'm cleaning. I can't blast the radio (don't want to damage my children's hearing) and I can't put in earphones (because then I couldn't hear my children if one started screaming because the other one had knocked over a table on it) so adult conversation is the only way I can keep my brain occupied successfully.

Maybe I'll have to just play audio books at a volume I can hear, but still hear other things.

This has been a random pointless blog entry by yours truly.

I'm enjoying the scrabble game with mamaw. She's ahead. Quelle surprise.

J has provided me with a new game addiction as well - Word Slinger. I'm on level 45.

Off to sleep.


unMuse said...

i have gotten up to 62 on word slinger.. it gets tough :)

Monster said...

I refuse to even google "word slinger" in great fear of the safety of my free time.

Good luck scrabbling with Mamaw. My many bouts with her have taught me that no matter how many miles I travel, how many generational lines I cross, or how much beef jerky I've had to eat...

...I'll still shrug and play "ALL" for 3 points.

Hex said...

so, what's a boy gotta do to get you to sling him the link to word slinger, eh?

-hope all is well, sorry I missed your message last night.

Hawkmistress said...

Don't say I didn't warn you...

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