mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, October 03, 2005

people are so frustrating

Creationists VS Evolutionists - stupid argument; one does not negate the other (unless you read the bible literally, which I think is goofy)

Pro-life VS Pro-choice - again, stupid argument; I think once the egg is fertilized it is a potential human life, and I'm loathe to knowingly disturb it or negatively influence its odds of survival - however, having learned something from history, I know that making abortion illegal will not help reduce the number of abortions, but instead will result in higher # of womens' deaths - so why don't all you people screaming on one side or another put even HALF that much energy into improving birth control and education? You are never, NEVER going to get everybody to agree on one side or the other, so let's just make it a moot point by attempting to insure that there are no unwanted pregnancies in the first place, hrm?

War on Drugs - dammit, don't any of these people read history books? Remember what happened with Prohibition? An underground black market was created and organized crime took strong root across America. If drugs were legalized, then a good chunk of the money and violence would be removed from the equation - nhow often do you see people killing each other over cigarettes? (to use another addictive drug as an example). You could ensure quality product (eliminating overdoses due to misdosing, poisoning, etc.) and could collect tax on the sale of the drugs to use for education and drug abuse counseling. Making drugs legal would probably cut the population in our prisons in half.

So tired... falling asleep sitting up reading/typing.

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