mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

We're done!!!!

*Dance about, clap hands with glee*

Not only did we finish getting the last of our crap out of the old house last night at midnight thirty, but I get home and get to take a luxurious shower whilst my husband tells me that 50% of people polled think that if Bush lied about the reasons for war in Iraq that he should be impeached. And yes, before you ask, there WERE republicans that were asked. 20% of them said yes. *grin*

Now I just have to figure out our budget and try to get rid of a few bills. *sigh*

1 comment:

unMuse said...

i remember my first shower in this new place. i stayed in there for an hour.

it was so nice to have hot water AND water pressure. hehe
