mostly pointless meanderings

Sunday, October 02, 2005

You know you're a homeowner when...

you spend an hour or two taking off and replacing the faucets that connect to the washing machine.

We've gotten SO much done today, it's wonderful. The utility room is almost completely set up, the den is half done, the bedroom is half done, the kids' bedroom is 3/4 done, the playroom is half done... I'm going to sit at my desk and put things away in it while listening to Says You, and then it's bathtime, then bedtime!


The Kaiser said...

Actually, Mar and just started renting a house and we're doing shit like that.
OTH, we did not have to pay to have the sewage pipe fixed when that got clogged up (and then broken by the resulting buildup og water pressure) by what reportedly had to have been several years worth of tampons flushed down the toilet of a unit in the aprtment building that shared a drain line with our new house and the neighbor.
So sometimes, it's not so bad being a renter:)

Hawkmistress said...

Heh - yeah, I'm dreading the first huge homeowners expense that hits us - hopefully by then we'll have our act together savings-wise, however.

Tampons, ew. Morons; can't they read? House before last that we rented kept clogging up - turned out the people there before us thought you could flush q-tips. *sigh*

I keep thinking I should move my parents into a rental, so they'd have a landlord to fix things... dad's getting too old to handle most of it...

I love being able to do anything I want to the house, tho! I put up shelves today, and a mirror, and installed a chain lock (because Moira has figured out how to open AND unlock the front door, argh!) and will probably finish painting this week (woohoo!) and then there's only fifty million more things to do...
