mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, September 01, 2006


J's been bugging me for forever now to watch Sideways with him. He finally got the movie from a friend, and we watched it tonight, whilst drinking wine and eating cheese crackers.

It was wonderful.

As a depressive, it was amazing to watch Giamatti's character. He nails it in so many infinitesimal ways.

Khang came over this afternoon and I baked him a peach cobbler for a get together tomorrow - it was fun, talking to an intelligent adult! :) Small world - guy he met online thru his car club thing turned out to be from the same town in Vietnam that Khang's parents are from. So they're all coming over to visit. They live in Houston, and have never had peach cobbler. (That's a sin, y'all.) So I told him to bring a recipe and the ingredients, and I'd be glad to play baker. (Hey, I get to bake it, but not eat it - better for my waistline, dontcha think?) I actually tried a recipe that basically called for pie crust. We'll see how it turns out - I've not made pie crust since I was nine. With the leftover peaches, I'm going to make us a small one that uses the biscuit-on-top method. (Much less effort that way.)

Speaking of baking without eating, if you've not watched Ace of Cakes on the Food Network, I highly recommend it. It never fails that I'm watching it and shouting to J "OMG, you have to see this!! This is EXACTLY how I would do it! And they made everything edible! And the bastards have all the tools, too, dammit..." I'm seriously thinking of writing him a letter offering to work for him for free for a week or two. *swoon*

Quote of the night from J: "When the Vatican looks Left of our Right, things are bad." (They just announced xtian zionism promotes something something and perpetual war. Heh.)

And now I'm going to go peruse the news whilst tipsy. Half a bottle of shiraz will do that to you. (When you're a lightweight like me)

AGAIN, I STATE MY BET: We will be in Iran by the end of 2007. I saw on one of the news shows as I flipped past it a nice little graphic that said "The Case For War" - and rumours from Washington include people saying "We've already lost the American people, so we might as well do the right thing."

Anybody want in on the betting pool?

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