mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I'm a what?

stolen from ClicheMonster who stole it himself.

A cywydd llosgyrnog; I'm one.
"A what?" Well, quite. There'd be no fun
In being understood; I
Thrive upon obliquity.
Don't comprehend or follow me,
For mystery's my ally.
What Poetry Form Are You?
(If I were not a Cywydd Llosgyrnog I would be a Haiku.)

Yesterday was bizarre. Or was it the day before? I wish I had a housewide computer (like the one on the enterprise) to keep track of days for me. Had dreams the night before about my first husband; we were having a gigantic fight, and he had dumped me and I was suicidal. It's been a long time since I've been suicidal, but the dream brought back the feeling so exactly that when I woke up I was a little discombobulated. When you're that depressed it's almost physical, you can FEEL the despair running along your nerves like a shiver. We're turning thirty this year... J & I were talking last night about how glad we are that we're past a lot of our callow youthful stupidity and immaturity - I was telling him that I don't feel like I'm 30; I don't know that I'm all THAT much more responsible and less immature than I was say, 5 years ago or more. He pointed out lots of things, saying he thought I was much more mature than I had been, and wasn't I glad I wasn't in the same place I was back then, mentally and emotionally? In spades. I think we complement each other pretty well.

Uncle Patrick came over for a bit last night - I'm so glad we're living in town again. As much as I liked the place in Monticello, moving here was worth the extra rent if he'll drop by more often. He didn't stay long enough for us to break out the cards, unfortunately, but we had fun just chatting. I worry about him sometimes; I keep thinking I'm going to get an SOS in a bottle from his liver asking for rescue.

M's speech therapist came this morning - I really like Renee. After the evaluation today, it looks like Moira is only behind in a few of her sounds; not bad at all. It's nice that she's getting this one-on-one work; I wish we could afford to hire teachers like in the old days.... I think I'll try to work that into the budget.

Hrm. Power outage. I love having a laptop. However, the ups will only work for so long, so my net connection will drop any minute now. *sigh* And just when I'd gotten the kids down for a nap, too.

That's okay; god knows I have enough stuff to do OFF line - like clean my house, or finish sorting through my fifty million digital pictures in iPhoto, or working on my website, or doing laundry...

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