mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, July 11, 2005

Stick me with a fork, I'm done.

Hopefully I just sweated off a pound or so - a couple of biiiiiiig pine branches laden with muscadine vines came down on my parents' doorstep during the hurricane, and I've just spent several hours cutting stuff up and stacking it at the curb. It was kinda nice to do some physical labour. I just wish the insect world weren't out to get me today. Between the weird ant-bee thing that bit me on the way to my counselor's appt. to whatever the heck it was that stung me on the finger at my parents' house to the ants that covered the pine branches and mosquitos...

I wish I could figure out what the heck that thing was that bit/stung me. It was freaky looking.

Dang! I gotta go print & mail the invites!!!

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