mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, July 01, 2005

Random conversation

I rarely have less than at least five things on my mind. If you were hanging out with me right now (and why aren't you?) here are some of the things we might be chatting about.

I recently decided to stop shopping at Wal-Mart. For a great explanation as to why, read this. I've decided that the convenience isn't worth the long-term costs. I'm going to try to read Always Low Prices on a regular basis, as it seems pretty fair - includes news both flattering and not so.

I heard on the news today that Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring from the Supreme Court. *sigh* Rhenquist was given 6 months to live, 9 months ago... so I'm assuming President Bush is going to be able to put two Supreme Court Justices into place. I wish I had faith that the people he picks would be good justices, but I really just don't.

I've been sick for a week now... sore throat that comes & goes, chest congestion, some sinus congestion, and a low-grade fever I just can't shake. I'm at 99.something right now. I would just suck it up and go to the doctor so he could make sure it's not bronchitis, but until the COBRA people finish processing our paperwork, according to the system we don't have insurance and will have to pay out of pocket, and then wait for a reimbursment. I swear, if I'm ever wealthy, I'm going to have a separate investment account/savings account for medical expenses, and I'm not ever going to give another insurance company a dime. I'll pay the doctors in cash.

Moira has a split uvula, which is evidently in the same diagnostic category as cleft palate - of course, not nearly as serious. The speech therapist (who has managed to see Moira once so far) thinks that this might be interfering with Moira's soft-palate, which is supposed to close off her nasal passages when she says K, amongst other things - which might be part of why Moira doesn't say K. The ENT says that short of sticking a scope down her nose (which would be pretty traumatic) there's no way to be sure; to go ahead with the speech therapist's diagnosis - because even if that is the problem, they'd not be able to do anything about it until she was 4 or 5, and then she'd have to go to Shands or somesuch - nobody here in town handles naso-pharengeal insufficiency (at least I think that's what he called it). But it looks like due to her evaluation, Moira will be able to attend Nana's school for free! That'll be amazingly cool. She'll have peers to play with daily, daddy can take her to school in the morning, I'll have time alone with Christian (and to myself when he's napping), and Nana is there!

Having visited Premier with my friend Diane, I'm looking forward to joining - provided, of course, somebody joins with me. AHEM. I've got about 5 months to lose some weight and tone my arms - it's a sleeveless dress. (top 8087, bottom 8090, color apple) And Erin's dress, btw, is absolutely stunning! She has great taste.

Too tired to keep writing. Besides, I have laundry to do.

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