mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, September 08, 2005


I feel like I've set down a large, heavy burden. I don't necessarily feel lighter, or relieved, but I do feel a sense of closure. Not sure why. Perhaps I've finally come to the emotional realization (my emotional realizations frequently come slower than my intellectual ones) that she was just a stupid kid. It wasn't personal, there was no deep meaning behind any of it - it's just one of those crappy things that happens in a world that doesn't have a discernable plan. I no longer wonder why people that are friends with her are still friends with her - their choice, and it doesn't affect me one way or the other. I don't hang out with them anyway. It doesn't mean I want to spend time with her or anything, but I think I'm finally not actively angry anymore.

That's good - 'cause goodness knows I have enough other things to spend mental energy on.

We're moving! We just bought a house! WOOHOO!!!

Now if I could just shake this cold/fever. Ugh.

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