mostly pointless meanderings

Sunday, September 25, 2005


I'm thirty, I have two kids, a wonderful partner, and we're homeowners.

When the hell did I grow up? Unreal.

I survived the whirlwind garage sale yesterday. Got rid of a bunch of stuff - what didn't sell got immediately carted off to Goodwill. I managed not to kill anybody, altho I'm still really freakin pissed about a few things. The only bad thing about having people "help" you with a moving/garage sale is when they get it into their heads that THEY'RE allowed to decide what gets sold or thrown away. This resulted in me finding my marriage certificate, some photographs, and a recording of Capital Children's Chorus (that J & I were in together as children) - amongst other things - in the trash. I'm hoping that I didn't lose anything precious in the stuff carted to Goodwill. *sigh*

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