mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, September 29, 2005

So much going on

so tired...

took and picked up J & M from work and school, respectively
spent almost 2 hours cleaning toys in hot bleach water
got father-in-law's truck out of long-term parking at airport, loaded it up at old house - haven't fully unloaded it yet.
got oil changed in car
took carload of stuff from old house to new house earlier
was going to renew tag & change address on drivers' license, but too broke - will have to wait
got to hang out with my sister-in-law and let the kids run & play in father-in-law's backyard on new swingset while waiting for step-mother-in-law to get home so I could get truck key

So many things to talk about... Delay's indictment... fire in LA... looming civil war in Iraq... Katrina cleanup & rebuilding... my original bet of 15 named storms this hurricane season has been blown away (and J thought I was nuts, ha!) - we're at 17 now; wonder how many more are coming?... Supreme Court Chief Justice sworn in... wonder who W will appoint to replace O'Connor... stupid court case in Kansas about Intelligent Design (News flash people: SCIENCE DOES NOT NEGATE GOD. SCIENCE DOES NOT DISCUSS GOD. THE CREATOR IS OUTSIDE THE PURVIEW OF SCIENCE. STOP FEELING THREATENED, AND STOP ASKING US TO TEACH ABOUT GOD IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Teach about God at home.)... the FBI has created a new anti-obscenity task force - I guess the country is secure and the War on Terror is over... Tallahassee is debating joining a coal-burning power plant that won't help solve the problem of the energy we need in the next 7 years, and when it does come online will only provide a small fraction of the power we need in the area, at the expense of the health of anybody nearby... J has shown me nifty cool stuff at and I've not had a chance to go play any of those games, and muse, did you delete your blog?... if the US was serious about becoming energy independent they'd crank up either incentives for better gas mileage in all cars or penalties/requirements for better gas mileage... they'd grant tax breaks etc. to alternative fuel users/developers... they'd create a nationwide decent rail system and encourage decent efficient local mass transportation... and it's sad, because being energy independent is a major part of our national security... has Abramoff been arrested yet?... the Republicans are crooks... no surprise... the Democrats are crooks... well, duh, they're all politicians... we're living in a plutocracy, and if you don't know what that means, you're part of the ignorant masses that have allowed it to get this bad... of course, the founding fathers created a representative government because they knew the masses were ignorant... I feel like watching Mr. Smith Goes To Washington again... campaign finance reform is urgently needed... wonder if the Republicans will manage to kill CPB this time around... no fat left to cut in the federal budget? please!... How much of what the federal government is doing should it actually be doing? I mean, based on the Constitution... why is it that Christian Conservatives support us going to war in Iraq and want us to create a democracy over there, rather than letting a bunch of radical Islamic fundamentalists create a theocracy - but they want to create a theocracy over HERE, and it's the same God?... I want to put a bumpersticker on my car that says "God gave you a brain, USE IT"... when did it become unpatriotic to point out when somebody is full of shit?... when did logic stop functioning as usual?... if we want to cut fat in the federal budget, how about any senators/representatives/presidents/vice presidents that are millionaires forgo their paycheck?... Republicans talk about "Tax and Spend Democrats" but they've become the "Don't Tax but Spend Anyway And The Next 4 Generations Will Pay For It" party themselves... when will a third political party step up to the plate and tell it like it is? Now's a great time! Republicants are hurting, Democraps are quiet - I say the Common Sense Party has a PERFECT opening right now... dammit, will I EVER stop ripping my nails off? At this rate I'm going to look awful for Matthew & Erin's wedding - fat, face splotchy, hair limp with lots of dead ends, and stubby rough nails... *sigh*...

It's now midnight and I have to get up early. Stream of consciousness writing always felt weird to me. I think I'll try it again and see how it flows. No sign of Cyborgirl yet... and now muse is missing...

1 comment:

unMuse said...

hehe i think you throw stuff in the middle of posts, just to see if i am paying attention :-)

i... moved it. will send you the link to it. but on the subjects of your post. i was watching the news yesterday, and there was this guy who started this company - thrilling, i know.

anyway, he modified his toyota prius to be able to charge overnight, while plugged in. when he charges it, he can drive back and forth to work without using any gas. anyway, here's the company website.

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