mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, February 02, 2006

flotsam & jetsam from my brain

I think I use this blog more as a way to create some history for myself than anything else - my memory is so crappy that I have large holes, and while I can't seem to keep up with a journal well yet, I am managing to at least babble here occasionally so as not to lose track of everything...

What is the deal with all the cats lately? I frequently see possums, armadillos, even the occasional racoon roadkill - but in the last week or two I swear I've seen five times as many squished kitties as anything else.

I've introduced Moira to oatmeal toast, buttered & salted and dipped in milk. She's hooked too. {grin}

In an effort to allow my poor husband a good night's sleep, we have tried snore strips for me - which evidently work perfectly. I have to say, it's hard not to spiral down into depression when I think about that - I'm thirty, and I find things that make me more like my mother every day. God help me, you know?

On the bright side, Khang has turned over a new leaf, and I can't wait to go biking with him & his sister & J & Moose - he's biked down to St. Marks & back, which would probably kill J & I, we're so out of shape. Not that J & I can afford bikes right now, unfortunately. Nor a kid trailer, which would be cool. Altho I suddenly have a vague recollection that they rent bicycles down there.. hrm.

Have been working on the family web pages. I love Dreamweaver. iWeb is cool, but somewhat limited, I think. I'm beginning to get the hang of CSS just from looking at them - I should just take a few hours to actually look through a tutorial and I'd probably be set.

Is it cool or what that you can get an RSS feed from the Government Accountability Office for their reports et al?

I was at the concert so I missed the State of the Union address... not that I'm sure I could have stomached it anyway. I've never played a drinking game, but I was thinking about playing the SOTU drinking game at Fanatical Apathy.

Looks like there's a pretty strong storm band heading this way... which is nice in some ways (I love storms) but kinda sucky in others - J took the car today and I've got both kids here at the house; I was hoping to let them play outside some. *sigh*

So, I'm stuck at the house today with the kids and no car. I'd love some company, if any of you are in the mood.

1 comment:

The Kaiser said...

I chose not to listen to the SOU speech and instead opted to listen to "Straigh Outta Compton" and get the executive summary after the whole fiasco was over. I can't really listen to him talk for more than a couple of minutes without boiling over with rage.

Hulk smash puny radio!
