mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, February 10, 2006

late night musings

I was listening to Bush speak a few days ago; they were playing a clip wherein he said "I'm mindful of your civil liberties"

Does that strike anybody else the way it struck me? I wish I could find transcripts of, say, Clinton's speeches, and look for him saying something about civil liberties - the liberal in me bets that he would have said "OUR civil liberties."

I'm probably placing too much importance on this one little word, but it really seems to underscore the whole attitude that Bush seems to have of not being "one of us."

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

I don't think Bush gets it.

Any of it.

How he got elected again, we'll never know, except that maybe the Democrats had no leadership, and nobody interesting to put up.

It seems like Bush is in his own little world, and I'm sure his advisors try and tell him what's going on, and why he's a moron, but he just doesn't understand.
