mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, February 20, 2006

yummmm, pork loin

Patrick made us dinner at his place - one of the best pork loins I've eaten, which is saying something considering how well J cooks.

The entertainment for the evening, now that was something.

I have one thing to say about Napoleon Dynamite: wtf? And yes, the cymbal player at the Prism concert looked just like him.

Robots - now THAT was a trip! Of course, it was an underdog sort of film, so nobody's surprised that I liked it, I'm sure. Besides, it's got Robin Williams! How can you go wrong?

We went to the MagLab open house thing on Saturday - it was amazing, but not as much neat stuff as I was expecting. I was expecting something like a magnet hands-on display like what you'd see at a science museum for the kids. And J & I laughed about this, but it was weird nonetheless: I felt okay when I got there. Started feeling progressively worse. Finally felt so crappy I told J I was done, and we left. As soon as we left, I felt better. We couldn't help but wonder if the high magnetic fields were messing with my funky body chemistry. So, next time we go, I'll see if it happens again. Of course, it'll be hard to test, because I might make something happen psychosomatically... but what the hey.

Am taking the kids into the doctor today for a look-see. Let him listen to their chests, check their ears & throat, that kind of thing. They've been sick for a couple of weeks now, so while I figure it's a virus, he'll know if there's anything bacterial going around or whatnot. {looking at clock} Which means I'd better go hit the shower with Christian.

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