mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Drat, forgot it was Tuesday

Came by so the kids could see Paw-paw, but dad's at art class today. Oops.

The kids are asleep in the back seat. I'm sitting in the car running the battery down listening to the radio and trying to charge my cellphone some.

I thought of the COOLEST web application ever. You know how you can go to and get driving directions from point a to point b? Wouldn't it be awesome for geeks like us to be able to put that into a program and have it tell us what NPR stations are along the way? Because I have to say, it really stinks when you're in the middle of listening to some great discussion on NPR, and then you lose the radio signal, and you don't know what the next NPR station is (assuming there is one!) and have to hunt around and hope you run into it before you miss too much...

I don't know if I mentioned that I had to bury my parents' cat Shadow a little while back. My family has always gotten their pets by fate dumping them on our doorsteps. Evidently fate has informed the ether that my parents are petless, because a cat has shown up at their house. Not just shown up at the house, but run into the house uninvited! Mom managed to lure it outside with a bowl of food, but of course that means that it now comes back regularly. It jumps from the porch railing to hang on the kitchen window screen and ask for food.

The wedding this past weekend and the long trip to and from gave me & J a long time to talk and think - I've decided to go back to school. I'm going to finish my bachelor's degree - my friend Robin suggested Interdisciplinary Sciences which would lead in perfectly to what I'm thinking about doing afterwards. I'm still shy about talking about it, but I'm really excited.

So I'm now going to go do some research on what's available in terms of online classes, financial aid, etc. etc. etc.... Donations welcome!

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

I know you can download the developer stuff from google (or maybe the place that google gets it from). And I'm sure the NPR stations are in a zip code database somewhere. Maybe you should learn AJAX. From what I rememember of Javascript, it wasn't that hard.
