mostly pointless meanderings

Friday, January 27, 2006

Actually spoken in the course of my day

"The most fun you can have with an accordion and a drum machine"

I'm so excited! I wish I didn't feel so much like I'd been run over by a semi

which reminds me of that recent accident near gainesville where a semi killed 7 kids in one family and when the grandfather heard about it he had a heart attack and died...

Sometimes having a brain that works so well with association is a curse.

As my son climbs on my chest and knees me in the eyeball.

What was I saying again?

Stanford lectures on iTunes! I'm never going to sleep again.

Well, whatever I was going to say, it's been lost in the pile that is kids, husband, Hazy Shade of Winter by S&G, and the typical storm of 50 million things in my head.

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