mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Is it 2006 already?

Time flies when you're alive.

I lay here on the bed on my stomach; my incredibly wonderful cat curled up between my arms & the laptop, listening to my sleeping son breathe a foot away, reading what I hope is not a trainwreck in progress.

I'm turning thirty one this year. Some days I look back on my past and wonder who that woman - girl? - was. Some days I know all too well. There are things about me that are nothing like my former self, and things that I wonder if they'll ever change, as they haven't yet.

Many people when getting to know me now find it mind boggling that I had been married three times before I was thirty. People who have known me for 10+ years probably aren't all that surprised. I forget who called me a serial monogamist. In those three marriages (and intermittent affairs and mini-relationships) since I was 15 or so, I have pretty much run the gamut. I'm very glad to be where I am, and not where I was. There is plenty that I'd change, if I had it to do over again - but those experiences have helped make me who I am today, and I'm actually pretty happy with who I am today, so who knows...

So as I read, I relive my past experiences, and think to myself "yeah, I remember that.... I remember that.... I remember being there.... god, I hope the pattern breaks down at some point." I'm crossing my fingers that this time it will turn out differently.

Crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath.

Good luck, everybody. I hope you beat the odds. You're welcome to chat with me either way.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I sincerely hope this is not a train wreck. I'm honestly scared to death about what has begun. I don't know a graceful end to it.
