mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, January 09, 2006

Take it down a notch

Part of having Borderline Personality Disorder is a tendency to take things to extremes. (Those of you who know me are going "No shit, sherlock!") I have a very hard time disengaging from the woes of the world. Lately I've gotten much better, but when adolescence hit, I agonized over food I didn't eat because of starving people in the world, took turns weeping and railing in fury over injustices I saw everywhere, tore myself up over trying to figure out if people could change, and wondering overall what the hell was wrong with people.

My counselor says I take too much ownership of things. So does my mother-in-law, actually.

For a while I'd swung back in the other direction, at least in some ways. I became a hedonistic, mostly selfish person who had moments of extreme self-loathing, and other moments of extreme overextending myself for other people in some sort of effort to compensate. (You notice the extreme theme here again, yes?)

Anyway, I wasn't planning on getting into all this. Having a loving, stable relationship with a husband who is at the same time patient but not a doormat has helped me level out somewhat. (As has Zoloft, woohoo.) Having two children to focus on helps too.

The current administration and recent news does not help at all.

I wish Billy Joel would update his "We Didn't Start the Fire" song - think of the verses he could come up with with all the crap going on right now! Iraq, the WMDs that weren't, DeLay, Abramoff, Valerie Plame, NSA spying domestically - and this doesn't include the millions of small idiocies and scandals that fly under the radar. I think I'm developing an ulcer.

I'm reminding myself that I have things to take care of, but that voice in my head that so frequently manages to find something wrong with me says that I should be doing more.

I was writing this post to try to calm my fury. I've succeeded in smothering it into the cold ashes of tired semi-depression. I'm not sure that's an improvement.

1 comment:

The Kaiser said...

I'm sure it's scant comfort, but I don't have BPD and I can be brought down by the news. I find that it helps to confine news consumption to radio, print (in particular more in-depth stuff) and the occasional documentary. No TV, and especially no local news (which is depressing for completely different reasons). Finding someone who is intelligent, reasonable and interested to talk politics with has been useful to me as well.

These things won't save you from being cynical or thinking that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but for me at least these comping strategies keep my malaise at things larger than my life from tainting my everyday existence.
