mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Can I have a vacation?

"But you don't have a job!" you say? Well, aside from my job as mommy, wife, and daughter to elderly parents, I want a vacation from reality.

Last night while putting together one of those wire mesh cube thingies that you can use to store things in, I think I broke something in my left hand. Today, J takes the van to work because the buick's gas tank was empty - and the transmission dies. So I go pick him up, take him to work (he's sick, btw), come back to the van, and call Kia. While I'm waiting for the tow truck to come get it, I'm cleaning it out and loading as much as I can fit in the buick. (The van was still full of stuff - we hadn't unloaded it because frankly there was no room in the house for it. Literally.) So at some point I'm going to have to find a place to put some of the stuff out of the buick this afternoon because I have to go pick up J from work. I may or may not have to take the kids with me, which will involve unloading even more stuff. *sigh*

But it's a gorgeous day! And I got to drive alone with my babu to his office. I'm attempting to cook something my kids will actually eat, and then it's naptime for them. Wish me luck!

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