mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry sort-of Christmas

Both the kids have been sick, and now pawpaw has come down with it - not to mention we're still living out of boxes - so we've postponed christmas (and M's birthday) this year. Until last night, we had exactly enough floorspace in our room for two twin mattresses and two sleeping bags. Now we've rearranged and moved things - granted, now most of it is piled in the living room next door, but what the hey. The kids were so excited to have open floor; they were running around in circles laughing and giggling. (They've also been cooped up in here for too long.)

So J went back to work today. Blah. It's amazing how quickly I get used to having him around. Last night he reached maximum density with my mom (& dad, to some extent), today it's my turn, I think. Between that and M having an absolute meltdown over everything, I'm rather low on my emotional fortitude.

On the bright side, there is a beautiful male cardinal in the pyrecantha bush outside the window, and for a brief moment anyway, it's not raining. We've got all the bookcases put up, so now I can start putting things away on them.

Hey Kaiser, I hope we didn't miss you entirely - and if we did, dammit! J & I were really looking forward to seeing you while you were in town. Next time, then.

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