mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy December Holiday!

That should cover all bases.

We finished at the old house today - even swept the ceiling fans and wiped down the baseboards. The witch that's taking care of it for our out-of-town landlord will probably never notice, and will probably find other things to complain about, but our landlord has been such a sweetheart that I wanted to do all I could.

So J sees these commercials for PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and comes home and says "hey, you have to check this out - go to and see if they have anything useful to say." So I'm looking - their list of treatments include birth control pills and anti-depressants. Okay, doing that already, thanks. But I guess it's nice to know that it's not that we're crazy, but that there's something really wrong. Even if "something really wrong" means "you and your hormones don't get along but we have no further information at this time." At this point I'm curious about what part of my insanity is hormonal, and what part is bipolar. Or if I'm not bipolar at all, and it is borderline personality disorder. Or if the borderline personality disorder was brought on by the hormonal mood swings and slightly odd family life. Oy. I keep wishing for the Star-Trek era medicine, where they scan you and tell you that you have too much magnesium in your body and that's why you're feeling crappy, or whatever.

I've now become tired and don't feel like telling you about the christmas party the kids and I went to tonight, or the company christmas party J & I went to Saturday night. Or much of anything else, really. In case I don't write anything more before then, for the tiny population of people that read this, I hope you have a great and relaxing holiday season.


The Kaiser said...

So, it appears that you did not in fact e-mail me. If you've felt a disturbance in the force, it's because Mar and I are in town now (and have recovered from our 12 hour plane ride). Call me at two-zero-6 sixtysix-zero 3-three-39 when you get a chance.

The Kaiser said...

Knock a 3 off of the last 4 digits, because I'm only about half bright.
