mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Putting together my platform

Were I to run for office...

Well, to start on a totally fluffy note, I think Tom Petty's I Won't Back Down would be my theme song. Heh.

I was reading Joe Klein's Politics Lost: How American Democracy Was Trivialized By People Who Think You're Stupid last night and had this thought: people today are sick and tired of politicians who say what the focus groups tell them will fly; they want someone who is genuine and yet not a freak or unstable. What would happen if a politician stepped forward and said "These are the things that the consultants and focus groups tell me I should say. I don't want to say what these people think you want to hear. I know what _I_ think is important - I want to know what YOU think is important. Here's my phone number. Here's my email address. Here's my mail address. Tell me what YOU think is important. We live in a great republic that was put together so that you could pick leaders to represent you in making decisions for our nation. I, for one, am tired of those representatives in Washington only hearing the people who pay the most."

Back to parenting and unpacking. More later.

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