mostly pointless meanderings

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

About gas...

Let's get a little perspective here, shall we?

Yes, we're going to try to sell our Ford Explorer. We bought it when we thought we were going to be travelling a dirt road daily - but we're not, and the gas mileage sucks. I would love to own an electric car, or a hybrid, or a diesel that has been converted to burn vegetable oil. (As public transportation in this city was the pits last time I checked - I'll look again, but I hold out little hope. However, I'm not going to school and work full time anymore, so my schedule is much less tight - so I could probably deal with a less than abundant bus schedule...)

That being said, I read an article in the Washington Post that brings up an excellent point.

Gas - currently about $3/gallon in the states (has been higher elsewhere for a while, people, and for a good discussion of prices elsewhere, go here.)

Average prices of other popular liquids:
Coca-Cola $1.87
Milk $3.00
Evian water $4.52
Orange juice $5.98
Snapple $6.36
Perrier sparkling water $7.83
Lemon oil $9.31
Crisco oil $10.36
Scope mouthwash $19.98
Sunflower oil $23.12
Olive oil $31.53
Real maple syrup $42.56
Sesame oil $60.37
Jack Daniel’s bourbon $98.41
Visine eye drops $766.72
Flonase prescription nasal spray $5,669.84

(Now, I can't imagine buying Flonase by the gallon, but you see my point here.)

That being said, gasoline is a different animal. When you add in the cost (to people in the United States) of the oil subsidies to Iraq, the war in Iraq, the original Gulf War, etc... we're paying a hell of a lot more for gasoline than the price we see at the pump. If anybody can track down how much of our tax dollars goes to subsidize petroleum in some form, I'd be thrilled. I'll update this post if I can find any info myself.


Anonymous said...

The problem being that a gallon of ANY of those things would last a LOT longer than a gallon of gas.

It think if I drank a gallon of milk in the time it took me to ride my 20ish miles I get per gallon of gasoline, I'd probably puke.

And I mean, seriously... A gallon of Flonase would last our family several generations! You've seen Mamaw's medicine cabinet!!

Hawkmistress said...

Well, let's see... it's about 8 miles from our house to Moira's school. If I take her in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon using the Kia both times, I probably use 4 gallons of gas a week. Our family drinks 3 gallons of milk a week or so. I personally have drunk an entire gallon of milk in a day. (I'm weird that way.) I can see people drinking more water than they use gas, but most people don't drink exclusively bottled water.

After running our budget, I think I'm going to have to start taking J to work and we'll park the ford for a while.

The Kaiser said...

I was just planning on buying some assless leather pants and a motorcycle, then running amok trying to steal all the gasoline I can.

I cannot however figure out how to grow anything remotely like a mohawk given the whole balding thing. Maybe I could do some sort of liberty spikes an pull it off.

Hawkmistress said...

Buttless Chaps!

I used to read a comic book that had an elven bounty hunter & her partner the bear. She wore buttless chaps. I wonder if that comic is still being drawn? ...wanders off into net search

J & I have talked about a motorcycle also. I mean, we've been talking about it for years, but it's come up again lately. Hard to do with two kids, tho.

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