mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, March 27, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

Woke up an hour late.
Mom called & told me not to worry about picking up the crown molding for her lab, that she could do it tomorrow.
J took Moira to school. (She was late.)
I went to parents' house, made dad & C breakfast. (French toast, yum.)
Went to psych appt. (Was late.)
Learned can't have C with me at appt, filled out paperwork, will reschedule when I have a babysitter.
Went by mom's school to drop off some of her papers.
Went back to parents' house, warmed up lunch for C, paid some bills with dad.
Went to counselor's appt.
Went to J's work, picked up him & car seat.
Got lunch with J on way to picking up Moira from school.
Took J back to his office.
Went back to parents' house to check on dad, waited for mom to get home.
Waited for J to get there, left to go home.

Not sure how I forgot this... on way home, car ran out of gas. Coasted into gas station after dying in middle of intersection. (J & I had switched cars; he told me it needed gas, and MAN did it need gas - barely got to the darn gas station.)

Arrived home, found power was off.
Drove looking for a network to get on to pay power bill.
Paid power bill, had 2 hours to kill before power was turned back on.
Went to Uncle Patrick's house (THANK YOU!) and watched tv.
Went home - power on! Yay! Came inside, went to bed.

What a way to start the week, you know? How was YOUR monday?

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

Hope your Tuesday was better, that sounds pretty rough.
