mostly pointless meanderings

Monday, April 24, 2006

I just saved a fly from a spider

I'm not sure why, other than I couldn't stand to hear him buzzing spastically and know he was going to be eaten.

Of course, now I feel guilty for taking away the spider's dinner.

I can't win some days.


Anonymous said...

Gotta say, I would have taken the other side. I have a strongly pro-predator bent. Can't explain why, I just like predators. Always have. Big cats, big birds, sharks, crocs and gators, all those kinds of thing. Predators are cool.


Hawkmistress said...

You know, in the past I have taken the other side - I used to love feeding those ugly green caterpillars to spiders. It's probably just because the fly was making noise. If the spider had killed him quietly, it wouldn't have bothered me.

I'm not sure what that says about me.

Other than exposing that weird inner part of me that's always thought being an assassin would be fun.

The Kaiser said...

I don't really come in as either pro- or anti-predator, I follow a basic "Are You Annoying Me" rule. Bugs that annoy me will be destroyed. Bugs that do not will be left alone. Spiders usually get a pass because they don't bother me. I think I would have killed the fly myself and knocked the web down so that the spider would go set up shop somewhere less likely to come to my attention.

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