mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's hell to get old...

So yesterday J gets pulled over by a sheriff with a bad attitude because the tag on dad's car is past 6 months expired. Oops. Now, we should have checked something like that, but it didn't occur to us - c'est la vie, right? J got off with a warning, and I called the 'rents to ask if they knew where the registration etc. were so I could renew the tag.

So when I get here this morning to make dad breakfast, he says "when we go to the tax place to renew the tag, I'm going to give them what for" and I, feeling bitchy, play dumb. Why? I ask.. and dad says it's THEIR fault they didn't send me one of those postcard things to renew the tag! I said um, no - that card is sent out as a courtesy; it's your responsibility to renew your tag, it happens every year during your birth month.


In one of those long conversations with mom yesterday (because it's damn near impossible NOT to have a long conversation with her) she asked if I wanted to make some money; she'd pay me for doing housework, doing the grocery shopping etc. I told her that I'd actually suggested that to J; that I incorporate and write off the car, gas, insurance etc. on the taxes as a business expense...

Is it Friday yet?

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